The core concept of Bon Eatery is to live a balanced life. It is how you balance your healthy lifestyle and diet to achieve the most positive consumption outlook. Losing weight is difficult and can be harmful to one's health as a result of social trends that have changed people's views on dieting. The new idea is to keep the 'balance.' Eating right doesn't have to be divided into good and bad as long as we can balance our diet, both physically and mentally.
logo concept
The logo design reflects a 'balance' concept to the texts and is flexible enough to adjust when used while remaining understandable and distinctive to the brand.
brand character
The characters represent today's society family, in which everyone has different preferences based on their ages, genders, and generations. Some people prefer vegetables and fruits, while others prefer meat and sweets. Everyone has their own space, but Bon Eatery could be the place where all of your needs are fulfilled (full and fill)!
- Kids : A boy and girl of elementary school age with a strong personality that is bright, cute, and full of dreams. A representative of the APPITISER menu as an easy-to-eat menu.
- Teenagers : a boy and girl in junior high school with a strong sense of self-expression. They have their own set of activities and interests. A representative of the PIZZA menu as a simple yet high-energy menu.
- Adults : a working man and woman with responsibilities and social status.
A representative of the MAIN menu as the meal with full energy boost up.
- Elderly : grandmother and grandfather, a 50-year-old retired couple with a few fun activities to relieve loneliness. Enjoy performing the Saranghae-Yo pose. A representative of the SALAD menu as a healthy dish.
Bon eatery
brand identity
Design Director by Pongtorn Wachirapoka
illustrator by Wannaporn Bangsuanluang
Photographed by Parinya Kawsrito
Interior design by Studio YAK
Exclusive for Andon Design Daily Co.,Ltd.
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